CALGAVIN Presents at IChemE Midlands meeting in Birmingham

CALGAVIN®’s Managing Director Martin Gough was happy to accept the invitation to speak at a meeting of the Institute of Chemical Engineering’s (IChemE) Midlands branch, through industry contact and IChemE Midlands Chair Earl Hutchinson.
WSP Ltd, through Heather Williams, kindly hosted the event at their new offices located in the Mailbox building in central Birmingham.
The interactive presentation given by Martin was entitled “Increasing Heat Transfer Efficiency Enabling Saving Capital and Operating Costs”.
Martin explained to the attendees that he was brought up in Birmingham and went to school only a couple of streets away from the Mailbox building. The Gough and Calthorpe names are synonymous with the history of Birmingham, and there is a Gough Street close to the event.
The presentation was given in Martin’s interactive and humorous style, while still getting over the details of the benefits to the chemical engineers attending.
The presentation covered the background of CALGAVIN and its Birmingham roots before its move to Alcester. Martin explained that extensive research and development takes place at our offices, both for hardware and software.
One key area was CALGAVIN’s extensive research work with universities both in the UK and overseas. A major partner is the University of Birmingham where the story started in 1980 with Martin liaising with his father-in-law Prof. Ellis, who was the head of the Chemical Engineering department at University of Birmingham.
After explaining about our hiTRAN® Thermal Systems device, Martin went over some case studies of installations that had successfully installed our hiTRAN device and the efficiencies gained, and money saved. Included were details about Product Heater, Ethylene U-Tube Vaporiser and Heavy Naptha Feed/Effluent examples along with a wider list of company references.