About CALGAVIN®.SP Software
The software integrates with HTRI Xchanger Suite® and Aspen Exchanger Design & Rating, two of the most powerful heat exchanger design software packages on the market to rate and simulate tubular heat exchangers equipped with hiTRAN. The underlying correlations are derived from our state of the art in-house test facilities.
For users without access to HTRI or Aspentech software, CALGAVIN.SP can run via hiTRAN.SP as a standalone selection program to calculate the tube side performance of heat exchangers equipped with hiTRAN.
Features & Benefits
Maximise the heat
transfer potentials
The calculation of tube side heat transfer and pressure values of hiTRAN enhanced heat exchangers allows the user to design to full potential
Fast optimisation
With the ‘plug in’ option of the software this enables the calculation of hiTRAN to be down with the whole exchanger performance, resulting in fast overall performance calculations and run times.
Regular free upgrades
For CALGAVIN.SP users, free updates are included. Updates reflect the implementation of research results, adaptations to new releases of the Server programmes (HTRI, Aspen) and bug fixes.
Incremental calculations
When used as a plug-in for HTRI or Aspen, calculation methods are incremental. Especially for high viscous application, incremental calculations are recommended to give most accurate results.
Unique hiTRAN
part number
The results of CALGAVIN.SP (hiTRAN.SP for standalone) optimisation is expressed in a unique hiTRAN insert geometry reflected in the calculated hiTRAN part number. The hiTRAN part number indicates the bespoke nature of our hiTRAN technology.
U-tube calculations
CALGAVIN.SP not only calculates for straight tube type TEMA and API exchangers but also carries out U-tube calculations, considering impacts flow direction and insert fit on the performance.
Wall correction
factors included
For different hiTRAN geometry there are different heat transfer and pressure drop wall correction factors, to take into account differences in viscosities at the tube wall and bulk flow.
Performance Warranty
Thermal and hydraulic warranty on tube side calculation results, when designing with clean recirculating fluids.
Frequently asked questions
Does the software work on Linux or Mac?
Currently CALGAVIN®.SP does only run on Windows operating systems.
Do I need to be software administrator in order to install CALGAVIN®.SP?
In Windows you need to have administrator rights.
What is included in the installation package?
During installation two Software components are installed on your computer hiTRAN®.SP standalone version or CALGAVIN.SP “Plug-in” for HTRI XchangerSuite® and Aspentech EDR Software are installed. The “plug-in” can only be used in the case HTRI or Aspentech products are installed.
Is the program CALGAVIN®.SP free of charge, and why?
After approval of your application by CALGAVIN Ltd, CALGAVIN.SP can be downloaded free of charge from our web page. The thermal process engineer can use the software for hiTRAN enhanced heat exchanger design.
What are the reason for software updates?
CALGAVIN®s R&D department and our software development team are aiming to keep the software up to date to reflect new research findings and software developments. Updates can be related to: - Update in order to fix a software bug - Adaptations to new releases of Aspentech products - Extension of supported tube geometries
How do I know whether a more up to date version of CALGAVIN®.SP is available?
Updates will be announced on the CALGAVIN News section of our website. The user can also check for new updates under [help] in the standalone version of hiTRAN.SP. When using CALGAVIN.SP as a “plug-in” the update information can be found, when pressing the [hiTRAN info] button in the corresponding application.
What is the difference between hiTRAN®.SP standalone and CALGAVIN®.SP ‘plug-in’ calculation?
When calculating heat transfer and pressure drop with hiTRAN.SP standalone software only, inlet and outlet conditions of the exchanger are taken into account. When using CALGAVIN.SP within HTRI or Aspentech Software the calculations are done incrementally. The exchanger is subdivided into small segments for each segment the “plug-in” calculates the hiTRAN pressure drop and heat transfer. In cases inlet and outlet conditions, e.g. viscosity, differ considerably the incremental method yield more accurate results.
Does CALGAVIN® provide a thermal process guarantee for the calculated values when using the software?
The release of this version of CALGAVIN.SP and the associated DLL are the culmination of years of work which involved incorporating new heat transfer and friction factor data collected from a highly accurate test facility. Tests were undertaken with clean recirculation fluids. In our “CALGAVIN.SP software and process warranty” which is sent out with the Licence file or can be requested from CALGAVIN, the terms and conditions for a thermal process warranty are outlined.
Is two phase flow supported?
Currently only exchanger designs with single phase flow conditions on the tubeside can be calculated. CALGAVIN® Thermal Systems are also used in two phase condensing and boiling applications. In order to calculate those scenarios, please submit your case to our thermal engineers.
Does the software calculate U-type tube bundles?
CALGAVIN®.SP can calculate U-type configurations. In general hiTRAN Thermal Systems are pulled into the tube bundle in flow direction. In U-tube bundles they can only be pushed into the bundle, therefore in the outlet leg the inserts are installed opposite flow direction. A specific calculation algorithm for U-tubes takes this into account. Typically the heat transfer results are slightly lower compared to the straight tube bundle.
Does the software handle wall viscosity influences?
Experiments at our state of the art test facility were conducted in order to determine wall correction factors for hiTRAN® Inserts. The experiments showed that they are different compared to the plain empty tube. They are implemented into our Software and applied when using the CALGAVIN.SP stand alone version or the CALGAVIN.SP “plug-in”
What are the implications when modelling fans off operation?
CALGAVIN® is aware that some of our customers are modelling fans off operation by calculating performance with a reduced tube length. When using the CALGAVIN.SP there is a danger that this could lead to slightly increased tubeside heat transfer values. This is because the DLL includes a modifier in the calculation which takes into the potential for a non-optimal fit due to long tube lengths. Hence even if you set the model number based on allowable dP for the full tube length if this model is then used in simulation mode for the reduced length the calculated hi may be optimistic (this depends on the actual and simulated tube lengths). In general for tube length longer than 8m this effect should be taken into account. Please be sure to check and compare the calculated coefficients for the two lengths. Then down-rate the value for the shorter length by using an appropriate multiplier in the correct Safety Input field.